Guide for Authors

Author Guidelines
Manuscripts, which have not been prepared according to the main instructions outlined below, will not be considered for reviewing and publication in the NMB.

Publication fees
The processing and publication charges for all types of articles are free in the NMB. 
Manuscripts should be electronically submitted through the Online Submission System (

Cover letter 
A cover letter is required for every submission. The authors will need to confirm the following conditions in the submission cover letter:
The corresponding author/authors should indicate the following in a cover letter:
    An introduction stating the title of the manuscript and the NMB.
    The important reason for your study. 
    The question your research answers.
    Your prominent experimental results.
    The most striking conclusions that can be drawn from your investigation.
    A statement that the manuscript has not been published and is not under consideration for publication in any other journals. 
    A statement that all authors approved the manuscript and its submission to the journal.
Graphical abstract
A graphical abstract must be included with the manuscript for display in the abstract. This graphic should be attractive to the reader and relevant to the manuscript title. Further, it should give the reader a prompt visual impression of the necessity of the manuscript with no specific results.
Types of manuscript 
Original/research article: Original work resulting from research, constituting complete studies that contain all relevant information. Prepare the manuscript as follows: A Title, a Structured Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, References, Tables, Legend for figures, List of additional files (up to ~12000 words, including tables, figures and references).
Review (narrative, systematic, and book reviews): Prepare the manuscript as follows: A Title, an Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Subheadings in the manuscript as necessary, Discussion, Conclusion, References, Tables, Legend for figures, List of additional files. (up to ~12000 words for narrative review articles and systematic reviews and 1000 words for book review, including tables, figures and references).
Mini-Review: Sharply focused well-focused, well-documented examinations of timely related issues (up to ~4000 words, including tables, figures and references (50-80)). The issues may be of a controversial nature, or may address a more narrowly focused area than those typically covered in a Review.
Short communication: Short communications are short articles (mini original articles with 2000 words including references and up to three tables or figures) that present original and important preliminary findings that do not warrant publication as a full-length article but are still worthy of publication. The main text should be sub-divided into background, methods, results, and discussion, but should be written as concisely as possible. 
Letter: These letters should not exceed 700 words including only one table or figure, references, and the main text. No abstract is required for these articles.
Commentaries: Commentaries present the author’s considered opinion (up to ~1000 words limited to one figure/table with four key references) on a scientific or technical subject within the scope of the Journal. If such a Commentary article criticizes an article already published in the Journal, then the authors of the original article will be given a chance to respond to the same issue in which the Commentary is published.
Case reports: An article that describes and interprets an individual scientific case (should not exceed 3000 words with the maximum number of references of 30). This type of article has several sections including 1. Title, 2. Abstract, 3. Introduction, 4. Case report (methods and results), 5. Discussion, 6. Conclusions, 7. Acknowledgements (if applicable), and 8. References. For more information about this type of article, you can see:
Correspondence: Short articles (usually 1000-1500 words) that either re-analyze section of an article that has previously been published.
A technical note: Short article giving a brief description of a specific technique, procedure, or development. 
A pictorial essay: Educational article that can provide both textual and visual portrayals of a topical issue. 
Editorial: An opinion piece written by the senior editorial staff or publisher. Editorials may be supposed to reflect the opinion of the journal.
Manuscript preparation
The submitted manuscript should be in word (.doc) file format in one file including figures and tables. Use throughout a uniform style and typeface; character Times New Roman 11 with Standard MS Word margins. Each manuscript section should begin on a new page with lines numbering. The manuscript pages must be numbered from the title page to the last one.
All submitted manuscripts must include the following items:
Should be informative and concise and not include non-standard abbreviations. Not more than 50 words.

Running title
A very short running title should be provided on the title page. Not more than 50 characters.

List of authors 
Provide the full names and affiliations (Division/Department, Institution, city, country) of all the authors and full addresses of institutions. For different affiliations, authors can use superscripts 1, 2, and 3. Preparing the full postal address, email of corresponding author/authors and ORCID number is required for all types of articles. 

An abstract (200-300 words) without references should summarize the manuscript for abstracting services. 

Keywords, separated by commas, should be used for international abstracting services for indexing the paper (5 to 10 keywords).

Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the text, even after they have been defined in the abstract.

Must briefly state the objectives of the study and provide enough background information to explain the reasons for carrying out the work and clearly indicate the nature of the study hypotheses that were tested.

Materials and Methods 
This section should present clearly the materials and experimental data and point out attention in the text to important details shown in illustrations.

Results and discussion
This section should present clearly the experimental data and draw attention in the text to important details shown in illustrations. Authors should concise and emphasize the importance of the results compared to the reasons for performing the work and discuss the validity of the observations on the results in light of other published studies on the same subjects.

The conclusion of a research paper is where you wrap up your ideas and the main question of the work should be very concisely stated in the “Conclusions” section.

Study Highlights
Highlights are 3 to 5 short sentences containing core findings of the research described in the paper. Highlights are available after conclusion section entitled “Study highlights”. 

The funding section includes the funding information declared by the authors.

Include information on sources of funding and lists the people who in some way contributed to the work, but who are not listed as authors.

Conflict of interest
The authors are needed to declare all financial sources for the research reported. The role of the funding body in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and data interpretation and in writing the manuscript should be declared. For example, “Authors declare no conflict of interests”. 

Ethics approval 
All research including human or animal subjects needs approval by a corresponding ethical compliance body and the section on ethics approval is necessary to augment the legitimacy of research findings. In this way, the name of the ethics committee that approved the investigation and the committee’s reference number is required. 

Authors’ contribution
According to COPE authorship guidelines, contributions to conception and design of the study, acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data, preparing drafting the manuscript or revising it, study validation, writing and reviewing of the manuscript, and supervision must be determined clearly for all authors. 

In the text, number references in order of appearance using Arabic numerals (e.g. 1, 2, 3) in the square brackets for citations. Multiple citations within a single set of brackets should be separated by commas. Where there are three or more sequential citations, they should be given as a range [2, 3-6, 14]. List the references at the end of the paper in numbered order. It is worth noting that the number of references depends on the topics and type of the article. However, for the original articles, the list should contain a minimum 15 references and also should be arranged in the order of citation in text. References to articles must include: 1. name(s) and initials of author(s), if more than six (6) authors add an et al. after the sixth author.; 2. title of the paper; 3. title of the journal abbreviated in the standard manner (see Index Medicus/Pubmed); 4. publication year; 5. volume number; 6. first and last page numbers of the article, and 7. DOI. 

Example of references
1. Lodise TP, Bonine NG, Ye JM, Folse HJ, Gillard P. Development of a bedside tool to predict the probability of drug-resistant pathogens among hospitalized adult patients with gram-negative infections. BMC infectious diseases. 2019;19(1):1-10. doi:
2. Chokshi A, Sifri Z, Cennimo D, Horng H. Global contributors to antibiotic resistance. Journal of global infectious diseases. 2019;11(1):36. doi: 
3. Deng H, McShan D, Zhang Y, Sinha SS, Arslan Z, Ray PC, et al. Mechanistic Study of the Synergistic Antibacterial Activity of Combined Silver Nanoparticles and Common Antibiotics. Environmental Science & Technology. 2016;50(16):8840-8. doi: 
4. Patra JK, Baek K-H. Antibacterial Activity and Synergistic Antibacterial Potential of Biosynthesized Silver Nanoparticles against Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteria along with its Anticandidal and Antioxidant Effects. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2017;8(167). doi:
5. Alavi M, Dehestaniathar S, Mohammadi S, Maleki A, Karimi N. Antibacterial activities of phytofabricated ZnO and CuO NPs by Mentha pulegium leaf/flower mixture extract against antibiotic resistant bacteria. Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2020;1:1-14. doi: 
In addition, EndNote software can be applied to arrange references using our Endnote References Style. 
Figures, tables, and preparing formulas or equations
Figures and tables should be presented with suitable quality and easy to read and use table-formatting. Figures should be numbered sequentially and must be supplied as JPEG or TIFF with appropriate resolution. Figures must be imported into the text file and legends should be included. The text of the article should refer to figures as "Fig. 1" and "Fig. 2". MathType or equation formula of Microsoft Word should be applied for typing equations. For example:

Table 1. Components of oxygenated sesquiterpenes indicated a value of 43%  associated with essential oils of aerial parts of D. mucronata [8].


Fig. 2. UV-Vis spectroscopy spectra of AgNPs at different times (a), AgNPs-antibiotics (b).
